Culture Smart! Saudi Arabia: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

A new edition of Culture Smart! Saudi Arabia is available now!

The Saudi Arabia of today is nothing like the Saudi Arabia of twenty years ago, or even ten years ago.

In the past, the Arab Gulf nation was a closed, secretive country, a conservative Islamic society strictly guarded by Sharia law and closed to visitors except those coming for religious pilgrimage or work. Now, the country is going through an extraordinary transformation that began in 2016 at the launch of Vision 2030, the plan that Saudi’s leaders King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman have devised to catapult the country into the future. 

The pace of change and its wider effects, particularly on Saudi society, cannot be understated. No matter who you talk to, from young Saudis to their parents, from businesspeople to housewives, practically everyone’s face lights up with excitement when you discuss the topic with them—and the buzz is infectious. One reason for the optimism may well be because the key message that underlies the Vision is that the country’s most valuable resource is not its oil, but rather its people. And it’s the people that this book will introduce you to.

Those who take the time to learn about Saudi history, its culture, traditions, and way of life, will find that their experience in this unique country will be greatly enriched.

Available here

Book Details:

  • ISBN: 9781787023543
  • Format: Paperback
  • Page count: 200
  • Dimensions: 171 x 108 x 13mm
  • Published at: £10.99 / $14.99/ CAN $19.99

Culture Smart! Oman: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

A new and updated edition of Culture Smart! Oman is available now!

The Sultanate of Oman, long regarded as one of the more mysterious countries of the Arabian Peninsula, is one of the world’s better kept secrets. 

Often referred to as the Pearl of Arabia, it is an ancient land with a rich history, dramatic landscape, and diverse fauna and flora, and yet it was largely cut off from the modern world until the accession to the throne of Sultan Qaboos in 1970. Since then, this peaceful country has developed slowly but deliberately, placing a strong emphasis on retaining its cultural heritage while moving into the high-tech era.

Culture Smart! Oman describes the way of life of the Omani people. A historical overview shows how this former maritime trading power rose to prominence and explains the origins of many current Omani social attitudes. By examining the values, customs, and traditions of this distinctly Arabic country, it offers an insight into modern Oman that will enrich your experience on the ground. 

Descriptions of how people go about their daily lives—at home, at work, and in social situations—will help you know what to expect, while points of etiquette will help you avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and set the foundations for friendship with your hosts. 

Whether you are visiting Oman to explore its unique landscape of mountains, wadis, deserts, and beaches; to discover its historic heritage and festivals, bustling souqs, camel races and sand skiing; or for business—you will find the Omanis to be a gentle, warm, and hospitable people, who are happy to share their beautiful country with those who treat it with respect. 

Ahlan wa sahlan bikum fi Oman! “Welcome to Oman!”

Available here

Book Details:

  • ISBN: 9781787023512
  • Format: Paperback
  • Page count: 200
  • Dimensions: 171 x 108 x 13mm
  • Published at: £10.99 / $14.99/ CAN $19.99

Culture Smart! Egypt: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

A new and updated edition of Culture Smart! Egypt is out now!

At first sight, modern-day Egypt may seem a chaotic place: a cacophony of sounds, an overload of smells, and a swirling visual feast. Ancient church domes and medieval minarets share the same space with fast-food chains and chic air-conditioned cafés.

This country that has so inspired conquerors, explorers, academics, and artists is home to 113 million people, who call it Omm Eddunia, Mother of the World. 

Despite its rich archeological heritage, it is the people who are Egypt’s true wealth. They are by nature friendly, cheerful, warm, and hospitable, renowned for their sense of humor, and extremely stubborn and proud. Good personal relations are at the core of the Egyptian value system; here, people are more important than time or money. 

This new edition of Culture Smart! Egypt explores the codes and paradoxes of Egyptian life. It outlines the country’s history and shows the forces that have shaped its sensibility. It explains people’s values and attitudes and guides you through local customs and traditions. It opens a window into the private lives of Egyptians, how they behave at home, and how they interact with foreign visitors. It offers practical advice, from how to make friends to avoiding faux pas. 

Available here

Book Details:

  • ISBN: 9781787023451
  • Format: Paperback
  • Page count: 200
  • Dimensions: 171 x 108 x 13mm
  • Published at: £10.99 / $14.99 / CAN $19.99

Culture Smart! Philippines: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

The Philippines, a scattered archipelago of seven thousand six hundred islands, appears to be one of the most Westernized countries in Asia. However, the realities of Filipino life are complex, and not immediately evident to the foreign visitor. Many Filipinos work abroad, far from home and their families, and this is of great significance, not only for the families themselves, but countrywide and internationally. Business is not carried out in quite the same way as in the West. There are social situations and ways of behaving that visitors might well misunderstand.

Filipinos share many values and attitudes with other Asian people, although the distinctive blend of East and West is subtle and can sometimes be difficult to fathom. The foreigner who fails to realize that the façade of the English language (in which most signs in Manila are written), fast food, pop music, and rich lawyers does not run deep will soon commit faux pas that may have long-lasting effects.

There is so much to enjoy and appreciate in the Philippines, the open-minded visitor will be vastly enriched by the experience. Our guide will give you an abundance of practical information and key insights into Filipino society and business life that will enable you to make the most out of your time in this unique and intriguing country.

Book Details:

    • ISBN: 9781787022843
    • Format: Paperback
    • Page count: 200
    • Dimensions: 170 x 110 x 15mm
    • Published at: £10.99 / $14.99 / CAN $19.99




Culture Smart! Thailand: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

To many outsiders Thailand represents “the East” at its most beguiling and enigmatic. Golden stupas, green jungles, elephants, pristine beaches, a buzzing nightlife, and of course the hot and spicy cuisine.

A trip to Thailand will reveal that their cuisine is much more diverse and sophisticated than what is usually found in Thai restaurants abroad. In the main it is characterized by its use of fresh ingredients and strong, aromatic flavors. While it is quintessentially Southeast Asian in this regard, it has also absorbed a great deal of influence through the ingredients and cooking styles of India, China, and the West.

Indigenous Thai food has four basic categories: “dtom” (boiled), yum (spicy hot salads), “dtum” (salads or pastes pounded in a mortar), and “gaeng” (curries). Fried dishes of Chinese influence are also ubiquitous. Within Thailand there are at least four distinct regional cuisines: Central, Isan, Northern/Lanna, and Southern.

While restaurants in the main centers are used to catering to foreigners, in smaller towns many are not, and the unsuspecting tourist who chooses an interesting-looking dish from the counter may find it alarmingly fiery. There is always the option to ask for it to be served otherwise, if you are aware of this! The famously exquisite manners and hospitality of the Thais means they will be happy to cater to different tastes and cultures.

Thai etiquette is rooted in a worldview that is influenced by the country’s history, culture, and customs, as well as its longstanding interaction with foreigners. Thais put a great deal of effort into social skills in order to maintain harmony in the public realm, and their culture is a rich and sensuous one, where the many rituals of food, festival, music, and dance reveal a great love of fun and enjoyment of each other’s company. As their guest you will no doubt be made to feel at home – all the more reason not to inadvertently behave in a manner they may find offensive!

Book Details:

    • ISBN: 9781787022966
    • Format: Paperback
    • Page count: 200
    • Dimensions: 170 x 110 x 15mm
    • Published at: £9.99 / $14.99 / CAN $19.99

Culture Smart! Sweden: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

Sweden is, in many senses, an unspoiled paradise of achingly beautiful archipelagos, forests, mountains, lakes, and coastlines. The surprisingly varied terrain is full of contrasts and contradictions—as is its people.

Swedish society is based on the belief in equality, independence, self-expression, and respect. It is rights-driven, with a strong commitment to maintaining a safe and secure “home of the people.”

Although historically Lutheran, the Swedes today are largely secular and make their life decisions from a non-religious, rational standpoint. This does not mean, however, that they are not spiritual. It is in the natural environment that many Swedes find spiritual fulfillment—in the forests, on the lakes, and in the mountains. For many Swedes, reverence to nature is a kind of religion! And luckily for the Swedes, they are granted a lot of free time – a minimum five weeks’ paid vacation and several public holidays – in which they can enjoy their surroundings.

In the summer months, Swedes make as much of the outdoors as possible with picnics, sports events, or socializing al fresco at sidewalk cafés. Many Swedes are inseparable from nature, which brings them inner peace and harmony. In the winter they go for long walks in the crisp snow, ski along forest tracks, and skate on one of the many frozen lakes, while jogging, hiking, swimming, and picnicking are popular ways to enjoy Sweden’s long, beautiful summer days.

Swedes also make the most of their time outdoors by using locally maintained trails for cross-country skiing, jogging, walking, running, cycling, and horseback riding. In national parks there are trailside huts where hikers can stay for a nominal fee. By law, the “Right to Roam” allows the Swedes nearly unlimited access to any land or waterfront area, whether for mushrooming in the spring and fall, or for boating among the 25,000 islands in the Swedish archipelago. Sweden is also a fisherman’s paradise, with more than 96,000 lakes and a national border that is mainly coastline. As a way to get back to nature, around 1.8 million people own a summer cottage, “sommarstuga” which they will escape to during the long vacation.

So, don’t forget to pack a rucksack and some hiking boots when you visit Sweden – you will easily find somewhere to stop, relax and take in the breathtaking natural landscapes!

Book Details:

    • ISBN: 9781787022881
    • Format: Paperback
    • Page count: 200
    • Dimensions: 170 x 110 x 15mm
    • Published at: £9.99 / $14.99 / CAN $19.99




Culture Smart! Uganda: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

Aside from Uganda’s extraordinary wildlife and natural beauty it is the Ugandan people who make this country different. Drawn from more than twenty tribes, they represent a rich blend of traditions and culture. You can sample this in dance and song performances by groups such as the Ndere Troupe in Kampala, or you can wander through a village, and get to know the local people. You will find them sociable, warm, and hospitable. Kampala is famous as the social capital of East Africa, the city that never sleeps, where every kind of nightlife is on offer.

Of course it is impossible to generalize about the character of more than thirty million people, but the remark is often made that Ugandans are friendly, and it is the case that most Ugandans are happy to start up a conversation with a stranger. Riding on a bus in Uganda is a very different experience from riding on the London Underground: people are curious, and will want to know about you. Even though the official language is English, many of the local people are not fluent in it, which can make communication more difficult but by no means impossible. The level of spoken English is more widespread than in either Kenya or Tanzania, so it is not hard to find your way around, or communicate reasonably well, even if you are deep in the country. Many tourist also note that Ugandans are often very empathetic!

It is not the high quality of life that makes Ugandans happier than their neighbours, but their positive, optimistic outlook on life. Perhaps the years of adversity have made them appreciate what they have. This national characteristic, where Ugandans have traditionally shared what they have, makes them special. It is not possible to call in at a mealtime and leave without partaking in the family meal, and probably also being given something to take home.

The Uganda of today is a unique blend of beauty, tradition, and modernity. The visitor will generally need to reach out to Ugandans first, as they have seen many foreigners come and go who are not really interested in their lives, and if you don’t bother with them, they will not bother with you. However, once you demonstrate your interest, they will accept you with open arms.

In order to avoid the inevitable cultural pitfalls for the unwary traveler – differences in expectations, customs and ways of behaving. This book provides key insights into Ugandan life and offers practical tips on how best to meet the Ugandan people on their own terms and other vital information for tourists and businesspeople alike.


Book Details:

    • ISBN: 9781787028562
    • Format: Paperback
    • Page count: 200
    • Dimensions: 170 x 110 x 15mm
    • Published at: £9.99 / $14.99 / CAN $19.99





Culture Smart! India: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

All descriptions of “India” or “Indians” can only be offered as a simplification to aid understanding, rather than as a complete representation. That’s both the beauty and the challenge of visiting India – there is little that can be labeled generically as “Indian culture”. And there is little that compares with our own life “back home”, at least beyond the superficial trappings acquired during the British Raj or under the influence of reality tv.

The family is one of the most important and evident of all Indian values. Family in India means the extended family. Whether living under the same roof in the family home or scattered around the globe, family is the entire network of people who are related to each other by blood or marriage.

“If everybody tries together even a mountain can be moved.” – Malayalam proverb.

The extended family maintains and defines social boundaries, ensuring that individuals and single family units stay within the culturally prescribed norms. It is the family that forms identity, where values are passed on and lived out, on whom you depend for life and well-being.

Individuality, autonomy, and independence, highly esteemed values in the West, are antithetical to all that Indians traditionally hold dear. There is no such thing as “my property”, “my space,” or “my decision.” Individuals who act independently are viewed as selfish. Typically those rebels will be corralled through public ridicule or third-party communication.

Relationships and social responsibilities are of prime importance, since no one accomplishes anything on their own. Everything, from mothering and naming your children, to passing exams, and choosing a spouse, is done with the help of family. It’s not uncommon for business people to take time off work to attend the several day-long wedding of what we might see as a distant relative or to participate in a religious event. These things are viewed as acceptable responsibilities, and people feel obligated, if not overjoyed, to participate in them. Active participation in life events help to reinforce family identity and belonging, and ensure that just as you are there for others, they will be there for you.

The intensity and diversity of India can create both shock and awe for visitors that are not likely to subside. India is an experience best appreciated by those who are open to learn, able to cope with ambiguity, and willing to redefine generosity and friendship. Falling in love with India “is much like developing a taste for spicy food. You look at the chilies and don’t know how you’ll cope. But the aroma is enticing, so you dive in. If you don’t give up, one day you’ll discover that you’ve developed a craving for it.”

Culture Smart! India will make you aware of the basic values and behavioural norms you will encounter in India. It will help you navigate cultural differences and connect with real people, and offer many insights into the endlessly fascinating place that is India. Sab kuch milega!

Book Details:

    • ISBN: 9781787029002
    • Format: Paperback
    • Page count: 200
    • Dimensions: 170 x 110 x 15mm
    • Published at: £9.99 / $14.99 / CAN $19.99





Culture Smart! Iceland: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

Iceland has erupted onto the travel scene in recent years. With striking views of bubbling turquoise geysers set among rugged snowy peaks, black sand beaches, crashing glacial waterfalls, and the ethereal majesty of the northern lights, one can only wonder what took it so long. But what of the people who call this remote North Atlantic island home? Behind a stoic veneer lies a proud, industrious, and egalitarian people, whose straightforwardness and ability to wing it have seen them thrive in this beautiful but unforgiving environment.

One common phrase you might hear in Iceland is  “verti∂arhugarfar” or “fishing-season mentality”. As any fisherman will tell you, when the season is right and the shoal appears, the time has come to cast your net. And, more than that, cast as many nets as you can, because tomorrow may already be too late. It encapsulates the almost gung-ho manner in which people will make the most of an opportunity that presents itself, to the extent that they may sometimes end up going too far and, in doing so, damage their own prospects of continued success.  Icelanders like to seize the day, and make the most of the present in spite of any perceived risk. We like that approach too!

This mentality is not surprising when you consider the Icelandic concept þetta reddast—pronounced “thetta reddast”—which is used to express the firmly held belief that everything will turn out all right in the end, that it will be so without the need for extensive planning or worry, and that one should be ready to adapt to the circumstances, whatever they require. Translated roughly, it means “everything will work out fine,” and goes some way to explain the Icelandic peoples’ willingness to forgo caution in order to seize opportunities as they arise.

While other cultures are more inclined toward meticulous organisation, the Icelander is more sensitive to the unpredictability of life, so flexibility and a basic optimism that things will turn out for the best are more highly valued. And how could it be otherwise? Iceland is not stable—it is perched on the convergence of two tectonic plates and has more than thirty volcanoes that could erupt at any time. The weather can change dramatically, and the country’s economic health is almost entirely determined by the price of aluminum, fish, and the number of tourists who decide to visit in the year—factors that are largely out of anyone’s control, as the recent pandemic has made abundantly clear.

It was only a couple of generations ago that the majority of Icelanders were farmers and fisherman who were at the mercy of nature and extreme weather conditions, and so, having become highly attuned to uncertainty and the necessity of adaptation, they have developed a more flexible and optimistic attitude toward life and its twists and turns.

Culture Smart! Iceland will equip you with a deeper understanding of your hosts and their complexities, as well as with vital insights to turn your visit into a more enriching experience.

Book Details:

    • ISBN: 9781787029040
    • Format: Paperback
    • Page count: 200
    • Dimensions: 170 x 110 x 15mm
    • Published at: £9.99 / $14.99 / CAN $19.99




Culture Smart! Italy: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

It is impossible to be bored in Italy. To excite, delight and stimulate you there is the beauty of the land, the elegance and charm of its people, the variety of its regional cultures, the quality and dash of its design and engineering, the reputation of its artists, sculptors, writers, musicians, and filmmakers, and, of course, the glory of its monuments and architecture.

One of the great pleasures of Italy, though, is eating and drinking. Each region has its individual cooking style and ingredients. In the north black pepper, butter, and rice are the staples. In the south it’s hot red pepper, olive oil, and pasta. In Piedmont scented truffle may be grated over your risotto; Liguria has a pasta sauce of crushed basil and pine nuts called pesto; in Tuscany you may eat freshly caught hare and tomato, or wild-boar sausages; and in Sicily you will be offered the most delicious sardines. Many of these ingredients will have been prepared that day, brought fresh from the market.

Italy’s rich diversity and localism explains why there are more than two thousand names for the huge variety of pasta shapes, and more wine labels – at least four thousand – than anywhere else in the world. Italy has many food festivals, called sagre, where local food is on display.

A full-scale Italian meal is substantial, and so varied that it bears out the adage, l’appetito vien mangiando (the appetite grows with eating). Two main courses are preceded by a starter and followed by cheese, a dessert, and/or fruit. And no one is in a hurry when eating out in Italy! The interval between secondo piatto and the cheese and fruit, followed by dessert and coffee, is the time for leisurely conversation and is what authentic Italian dining is all about.

Like all our guides, Culture Smart! Italy focuses on the people. How do they behave? What makes them tick? What is the best way to get on good terms with them? For that is the real way to enjoy Italy. Buon Appetito!

Book Details:

    • ISBN: 9781787028760
    • Format: Paperback
    • Page count: 200
    • Dimensions: 170 x 110 x 15mm
    • Published at: £9.99 / $12.99 / CAN $17.99



